[Efficient Perspective-Correct 3D Gaussian Splatting Using Hybrid Transparency]

Efficient Perspective-Correct 3D Gaussian Splatting Using Hybrid Transparency

Florian Hahlbohm1,  Fabian Friederichs1,  Tim Weyrich2,3,  Linus Franke2,  Moritz Kappel1,  Susana Castillo1,  Marc Stamminger2,  Martin Eisemann1,  Marcus Magnor1,4

1 Technische Universität Braunschweig
2 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
3 University College London
4 University of New Mexico, USA


3D Gaussian Splats (3DGS) have proven a versatile rendering primitive, both for inverse rendering as well as real-time exploration of scenes. In these applications, coherence across camera frames and multiple views is crucial, be it for robust convergence of a scene reconstruction or for artifact-free fly-throughs. Recent work started mitigating artifacts that break multi-view coherence, including popping artifacts due to inconsistent transparency sorting and perspective-correct outlines of (2D) splats. At the same time, real-time requirements forced such implementations to accept compromises in how transparency of large assemblies of 3D Gaussians is resolved, in turn breaking coherence in other ways. In our work, we aim at achieving maximum coherence, by rendering fully perspective-correct 3D Gaussians while using a high-quality approximation of accurate blending, hybrid transparency, on a per-pixel level, in order to retain real-time frame rates. Our fast and perspectively accurate approach for evaluation of 3D Gaussians does not require matrix inversions, thereby ensuring numerical stability and eliminating the need for special handling of degenerate splats, and the hybrid transparency formulation for blending maintains similar quality as fully resolved per-pixel transparencies at a fraction of the rendering costs. We further show that each of these two components can be independently integrated into Gaussian splatting systems. In combination, they achieve up to 2× higher frame rates, 2× faster optimization, and equal or better image quality with fewer rendering artifacts compared to traditional 3DGS on common benchmarks.

Citation Style:    Publication

Efficient Perspective-Correct 3D Gaussian Splatting Using Hybrid Transparency.
Florian Hahlbohm, Fabian Friederichs, Tim Weyrich, Linus Franke, Moritz Kappel, Susana Castillo, Marc Stamminger, Martin Eisemann, Marcus Magnor.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 44(2), 12 pages, 2025.
Florian Hahlbohm, Fabian Friederichs, Tim Weyrich, Linus Franke, Moritz Kappel, Susana Castillo, Marc Stamminger, Martin Eisemann, and Marcus Magnor. Efficient perspective-correct 3D gaussian splatting using hybrid transparency. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 44(2), May 2025.Hahlbohm, F., Friederichs, F., Weyrich, T., Franke, L., Kappel, M., Castillo, S., Stamminger, M., Eisemann, M., and Magnor, M. 2025. Efficient perspective-correct 3D gaussian splatting using hybrid transparency. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics) 44, 2 (May).F. Hahlbohm, F. Friederichs, T. Weyrich, L. Franke, M. Kappel, S. Castillo, M. Stamminger, M. Eisemann, and M. Magnor, “Efficient perspective-correct 3D gaussian splatting using hybrid transparency,” Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), vol. 44, no. 2, May 2025.

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We would like to thank Timon Scholz and Carlotta Harms for their help with comparisons and the supplemental material. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the projects “Real-Action VR” (ID 523421583) and “Increasing Realism of Omnidirectional Videos in Virtual Reality” (ID 491805996), as well as from the L3S Research Center, Hanover, Germany. Linus Franke was supported by the 5G innovation program of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport under the funding code 165GU103B.

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