Filip Sadlo, Tim Weyrich, Ronny Peikert, Markus Gross
ETH Zurich
We present a simple and high-quality 3D scanning system based on structured light. It uses the common setup of a video projector, a computer-controlled turntable and a single camera. Geometry is acquired using a combination of Gray code and phase-shift projections, and it is stored and processed in a point-based representation. We achieve high accuracy by careful calibration of camera, projector, and turntable axis. In addition, we make use of the projector's calibration and extend it to a calibrated light source, allowing for a simple reconstruction of material properties for each surface point. We alternatively use a Lambertian reflectance model, or fit a Phong reflectance model to the samples under different turntable orientations. The acquisition pipeline is entirely point-based, avoiding the need of triangulation during all processing stages.
Filip Sadlo, Tim Weyrich, Ronny Peikert, Markus Gross. In Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005, pp. 89–98, Stony Brook, USA, June 21–22.Filip Sadlo, Tim Weyrich, Ronny Peikert, and Markus Gross. A practical structured light acquisition system for point-based geometry and texture. InProceedings of 2nd Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005, Stony Brook, USA, June 2005.Sadlo, F., Weyrich, T., Peikert, R., and Gross, M. 2005. A practical structured light acquisition system for point-based geometry and texture. In Proceedings of 2nd Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005.F. Sadlo, T. Weyrich, R. Peikert, and M. Gross, “A practical structured light acquisition system for point-based geometry and texture,” in Proceedings of 2nd Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2005, Stony Brook, USA, Jun. 2005. |