[A Practical Appearance Model for Dynamic Facial Color]

A Practical Appearance Model for Dynamic Facial Color

Jorge Jimenez1,  Timothy Scully2,  Nuno Barbosa3,  Craig Donner4,  Xenxo Alvarez5,  Teresa Vieira6,  Paul Matts7,  Veronica Orvalho8,  Diego Gutierrez1,  Tim Weyrich2

1 Universidad de Zaragoza
2 University College London
3 Universidade do Porto
4 Leolux
5 Face In Motion
6 Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro
7 Procter & Gamble
8 Instituto de Telecomunicações


Facial appearance depends on both the physical and physiological state of the skin. As people move, talk, undergo stress, and change expression, skin appearance is in constant flux. One of the key indicators of these changes is the color of skin. Skin color is determined by scattering and absorption of light within the skin layers, caused mostly by concentrations of two chromophores, melanin and hemoglobin. In this paper we present a real-time dynamic appearance model of skin built from in vivo measurements of melanin and hemoglobin concentrations. We demonstrate an efficient implementation of our method, and show that it adds negligible overhead to existing animation and rendering pipelines. Additionally, we develop a realistic, intuitive, and automatic control for skin color, which we term a skin appearance rig. This rig can easily be coupled with a traditional geometric facial animation rig. We demonstrate our method by augmenting digital facial performance with realistic appearance changes.

Citation Style:    Publication

A Practical Appearance Model for Dynamic Facial Color.
Jorge Jimenez, Timothy Scully, Nuno Barbosa, Craig Donner, Xenxo Alvarez, Teresa Vieira, Paul Matts, Veronica Orvalho, Diego Gutierrez, Tim Weyrich.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 141:1–141:8, Seoul, 2010.
Jorge Jimenez, Timothy Scully, Nuno Barbosa, Craig Donner, Xenxo Alvarez, Teresa Viera, Paul Matts, Veronica Orvalho, Diego Gutierrez, and Tim Weyrich. A practical appearance model for dynamic facial color. ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 29(5):141:1–141:9, 2010.Jimenez, J., Scully, T., Barbosa, N., Donner, C., Alvarez, X., Viera, T., Matts, P., Orvalho, V., Gutierrez, D., and Weyrich, T. 2010. A practical appearance model for dynamic facial color.ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia) 29, 5, 141:1–141:9.J. Jimenez, T. Scully, N. Barbosa, C. Donner, X. Alvarez, T. Viera, P. Matts, V. Orvalho, D. Gutierrez, and T. Weyrich, “A practical appearance model for dynamic facial color,” ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 141:1–141:9, 2010.


We thank the reviewers for their keen insight and useful suggestions. Thanks also to our test subjects Gabriel Brostow and Kirstin Rautzenberg. This research has been partially funded by a Marie Curie grant from the Seventh Framework Programme (grant agreement no.: 251415), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2010-21543) and the Gobierno de Aragón (projects OTRI 2009/0411 and CTPP05/09, plus a grant for Jorge Jimenez). We also thank XYZRGB Inc. for the high-quality head scan.

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