[Frequency-Based Editing for Terrain Generation]

Frequency-Based Editing for Terrain Generation

Gwyneth A. Bradbury1,  Il Choi1,  Cristina Amati1,  Kenny Mitchell2,  Tim Weyrich1

1 University College London
2 Disney Research


Authoring virtual terrains can be a challenging task. Procedural and stochastic methods for automated terrain generation produce plausible results but lack intuitive control of the terrain features, while data driven methods offer more creative control at the cost of a limited feature set, higher storage requirements and blending artefacts. Moreover, artists often prefer a workflow involving varied reference material such as photographs, concept art, elevation maps and satellite images, for the incorporation of which there is little support from commercial content-creation tools. We present a sketch-based toolset for asset-guided creation and intuitive editing of virtual terrains, allowing the manipulation of both elevation maps and 3D meshes, and exploiting a layer-based interface. We employ a frequency-band subdivision of elevation maps to allow using the appropriate editing tool for each level of detail. Using our system, we show that a user can start from various input types: storyboard sketches, photographs or height maps to easily develop and customise a virtual terrain.

Citation Style:    Publication

Frequency-Based Editing for Terrain Generation.
Gwyneth A. Bradbury, Il Choi, Cristina Amati, Kenny Mitchell, Tim Weyrich.
In Proc. of 11th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), pp. 1–10, London, UK, 13–14 November 2014.
Best Student Paper Award.
Gwyneth Bradbury, Il Choi, Cristina Amati, Kenny Mitchell, and Tim Weyrich. Frequency-based editing for terrain generation. In Intl. Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) Posters, pages 1–10, November 2014.Bradbury, G., Choi, I., Amati, C., Mitchell, K., and Weyrich, T. 2014. Frequency-based editing for terrain generation. InIntl. Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) Posters, 1–10.G. Bradbury, I. Choi, C. Amati, K. Mitchell, and T. Weyrich, “Frequency-based editing for terrain generation,” in Intl. Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) Posters, Nov. 2014, pp. 1–10.


This work was supported by the UCL EngD VEIV Centre for Doctoral Training.

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