The data is provided here with a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial (CC BY NC 3.0) licence, Users are free to Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material. In order to do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use of the data. You may not use the material for†commercial purposes.
This Data The data should be cited as: City of London, London Metropolitan Archives XML transcription of the Great Parchment Book of the Honourable the Irish Society, Stewart, P., Avery, N., Smith, P., Terras, M., Payne, M. Weyrich, T. (2013).
Each folio of the Great Parchment Book has been encoded in a separate xml document, named with the section code within the book, folio number within the section and recto or verso. Section codes are: A: Irish Society (Londonderry) B: Irish Society (Coleraine) C: Mercers’ Company D: Grocers’ Company E: Drapers’ Company F: Fishmongers’ Company G: Goldsmiths’ Company H: Skinners’ Company J: Haberdashers’ Company K: Salters’ Company L: Ironmongers’ Company M: Vintners’ Company N: Clothworkers’ Company and freehold lands P: Freehold lands Q: Native lands Each xml document contains XML and TEI headers as well as individual encoded transcriptions.
The following elements were encoded in the Great Parchment Book schema: People (individuals, families) Personal descriptors (title, status, other eg witness, tenant etc.; origin of individual) Age Occupation Bodies (corporate and otherwise) Places: civil and other administrative areas; streets; named buildings; environmental features (eg rivers, shore-line.) Place descriptors (premises type, land use/type) Rights and privileges Dates Units of measurement (area, currency, terms of lease etc.) Document types Document descriptors (medium etc.) Textual amendments/features Decorative additions All transcriptions are of the text as found in the Great Parchment Book, apart from expansion of abbreviations. Spelling and punctuation are as found in the text. Corrections made by the scribe(s), either through the addition, erasure, or replacement of text, are not indicated. Missing text is supplied where possible, using the rest of the text as a template. However, since the Great Parchment Book contains the only surviving copy of its text, some gaps remain where the missing text is not duplicated elsewhere in the Book. The following sigla have been used to indicate non-standard text: square brackets [abc] are used to indicate where abbreviations have been expanded Italicised text has been used to indicate where text has been supplied Ellipses [...] are used to indicate gaps where the missing text has not been supplied. Many of the Irish names contain bynames. These have been included in the surname for simplicity’s sake; for example ‘Mac’ or ‘Mc’ (‘son of’), ‘O’ (grandson or descendent of’), ‘Oge’ (‘young’ or ‘junior’), ‘Duf’, or some version thereof (the Irish ‘Dubh’ or ‘black’), ‘Roe’, or some version thereof, (the Irish ‘Ruadh’ or ‘red’). There are two types of marginalia in the transcripts. The first is found at the start of each grant, in the left-hand margin of the page, and lists the name of the person and the number of the grant. In the transcripts, this text is found immediately before the relevant grant. In the right-hand margin are lists of the conditions attached to the grant, such as the amount of rent, the number of houses and closes to be built, the number of trees to be planted, the acres of land to be encoppiced, and the number of muskets, pikes, corslets, or halberds which must be supplied. In the transcripts, this text is found immediately after the relevant grant, or at the end of the folio on which it is found if the grant continues over to the next folio side. Gaps in the marginalia have been filled in as much as possible; left-hand margin names and numbers are not filled in unless part of the name is legible.
For further questions please contact the supervisors of the transcription work, Philippa Smith ( and Nicola Avery ( The supervisors of the technical work would also like to be kept informed of how and in what context this data is being used: contact Tim Weyrich ( and Melissa Terras ( For full details of the Great Parchment Book and its reconstruction project, including details of conservation and digital imaging, see, Digitally reconstructing the Great Parchment Book: 3D recovery of fire-damaged historical documents, Kazim Pal, Nicola Avery, Pete Boston, Alberto Campagnolo, Caroline De Stefani, Helen Matheson-Pollock, Daniele Panozzo, Matthew Payne, Christian Schüller, Chris Sanderson, Chris Scott, Philippa Smith, Rachael Smither, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Ann Stewart, Emma Stewart, Patricia Stewart, Melissa Terras, Bernadette Walsh, Laurence Ward, Liz Yamada, Tim Weyrich, in Digital Scholarship Humanities (2016). DOI: Published: 12 December 2016.">
Patricia Stewart1, Nicola Avery1, Philippa Smith1, Melissa Terras2, Matthew Payne3, Tim Weyrich2
1 London Metropolitan Archives
2 University College London
3 Westminster Abbey Muniment Room
The data presented here is a set of 326 XML documents containing encoded transcriptions of the individual folios of the Great Parchment Book of the Honourable the Irish Society, held at London Metropolitan Archives (archival reference CLA/049/EM/02/018). It is presented here as a source for the historical and social geographical scholarly community, to allow others to use the dataset for their own research. The files include transcription of the folios and XML coding using the GPB schema created under the Textual Encoding Initiative (TEI) on oXygen XML Editor Professional software version 14; the data set is 2.56MB in total. The preparation of this data is described in full at
The data is provided here with a Creative Commons Attribution-nonCommercial (CC BY NC 3.0) licence, Users are free to Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material. In order to do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use of the data. You may not use the material for†commercial purposes.
This Data The data should be cited as: City of London, London Metropolitan Archives XML transcription of the Great Parchment Book of the Honourable the Irish Society, Stewart, P., Avery, N., Smith, P., Terras, M., Payne, M. Weyrich, T. (2013).
Each folio of the Great Parchment Book has been encoded in a separate xml document, named with the section code within the book, folio number within the section and recto or verso. Section codes are: A: Irish Society (Londonderry) B: Irish Society (Coleraine) C: Mercers’ Company D: Grocers’ Company E: Drapers’ Company F: Fishmongers’ Company G: Goldsmiths’ Company H: Skinners’ Company J: Haberdashers’ Company K: Salters’ Company L: Ironmongers’ Company M: Vintners’ Company N: Clothworkers’ Company and freehold lands P: Freehold lands Q: Native lands Each xml document contains XML and TEI headers as well as individual encoded transcriptions.
The following elements were encoded in the Great Parchment Book schema: People (individuals, families) Personal descriptors (title, status, other eg witness, tenant etc.; origin of individual) Age Occupation Bodies (corporate and otherwise) Places: civil and other administrative areas; streets; named buildings; environmental features (eg rivers, shore-line.) Place descriptors (premises type, land use/type) Rights and privileges Dates Units of measurement (area, currency, terms of lease etc.) Document types Document descriptors (medium etc.) Textual amendments/features Decorative additions All transcriptions are of the text as found in the Great Parchment Book, apart from expansion of abbreviations. Spelling and punctuation are as found in the text. Corrections made by the scribe(s), either through the addition, erasure, or replacement of text, are not indicated. Missing text is supplied where possible, using the rest of the text as a template. However, since the Great Parchment Book contains the only surviving copy of its text, some gaps remain where the missing text is not duplicated elsewhere in the Book. The following sigla have been used to indicate non-standard text: square brackets [abc] are used to indicate where abbreviations have been expanded Italicised text has been used to indicate where text has been supplied Ellipses [...] are used to indicate gaps where the missing text has not been supplied. Many of the Irish names contain bynames. These have been included in the surname for simplicity’s sake; for example ‘Mac’ or ‘Mc’ (‘son of’), ‘O’ (grandson or descendent of’), ‘Oge’ (‘young’ or ‘junior’), ‘Duf’, or some version thereof (the Irish ‘Dubh’ or ‘black’), ‘Roe’, or some version thereof, (the Irish ‘Ruadh’ or ‘red’). There are two types of marginalia in the transcripts. The first is found at the start of each grant, in the left-hand margin of the page, and lists the name of the person and the number of the grant. In the transcripts, this text is found immediately before the relevant grant. In the right-hand margin are lists of the conditions attached to the grant, such as the amount of rent, the number of houses and closes to be built, the number of trees to be planted, the acres of land to be encoppiced, and the number of muskets, pikes, corslets, or halberds which must be supplied. In the transcripts, this text is found immediately after the relevant grant, or at the end of the folio on which it is found if the grant continues over to the next folio side. Gaps in the marginalia have been filled in as much as possible; left-hand margin names and numbers are not filled in unless part of the name is legible.
For further questions please contact the supervisors of the transcription work, Philippa Smith ( and Nicola Avery ( The supervisors of the technical work would also like to be kept informed of how and in what context this data is being used: contact Tim Weyrich ( and Melissa Terras ( For full details of the Great Parchment Book and its reconstruction project, including details of conservation and digital imaging, see, Digitally reconstructing the Great Parchment Book: 3D recovery of fire-damaged historical documents, Kazim Pal, Nicola Avery, Pete Boston, Alberto Campagnolo, Caroline De Stefani, Helen Matheson-Pollock, Daniele Panozzo, Matthew Payne, Christian Schüller, Chris Sanderson, Chris Scott, Philippa Smith, Rachael Smither, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Ann Stewart, Emma Stewart, Patricia Stewart, Melissa Terras, Bernadette Walsh, Laurence Ward, Liz Yamada, Tim Weyrich, in Digital Scholarship Humanities (2016). DOI: Published: 12 December 2016.
Patricia Stewart, Nicola Avery, Philippa Smith, Melissa Terras, Matthew Payne, Tim Weyrich. UCL Discovery, July 2013 (at this URL since July 2017).Patricia Stewart, Nicola Avery, Philippa Smith, Melissa Terras, Matthew Payne, and Tim Weyrich. City of London, London Metropolitan Archives XML transcription of the Great Parchment Book of The Honourable The Irish Society. UCL Discovery, July 2013.Stewart, P., Avery, N., Smith, P., Terras, M., Payne, M., and Weyrich, T., 2013. City of London, London Metropolitan Archives XML transcription of the Great Parchment Book of The Honourable The Irish Society. UCL Discovery, July.P. Stewart, N. Avery, P. Smith, M. Terras, M. Payne, and T. Weyrich, “City of London, London Metropolitan Archives XML transcription of the Great Parchment Book of The Honourable The Irish Society,” UCL Discovery, Jul. 2013. |
The transcription of the Great Parchment Book was possible thanks to a grant from the Marc Fitch Fund.