[Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging]

Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging

Alejandro Giacometti1,  Alberto Campagnolo2,  Lindsay MacDonald1,  Simon Mahony1,  Melissa Terras1,  Stuart Robson1,  Tim Weyrich1,  Adam Gibson1

1 University College London
2 University of the Arts London


This paper describes the methodology and presents preliminary results of a project using multispectral imaging to document the deterioration of parchment. A series of treatments has been applied to degrade samples from a deaccessioned manuscript using both physical and chemical agents. Each sample is photographed before and after the treatment by a multispectral imaging system to record the effect of the treatments on both the writing and the parchment. Here we present the initial imaging of the samples, and we show how some of the agents affect the writing and parchment.

Citation Style:    Publication

Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging.
Alejandro Giacometti, Alberto Campagnolo, Lindsay MacDonald, Simon Mahony, Melissa Terras, Stuart Robson, Tim Weyrich, Adam Gibson.
In Proc. of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012), pp. 301–308, July 2012.
Alejandro Giacometti, Alberto Campagnolo, Lindsay MacDonald, Simon Mahony, Melissa Terras, Stuart Robson, Tim Weyrich, and Adam Gibson. Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging. In Proc. of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012), pages 301–308, July 2012.Giacometti, A., Campagnolo, A., MacDonald, L., Mahony, S., Terras, M., Robson, S., Weyrich, T., and Gibson, A.2012. Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging. In Proc. of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012), 301–308.A. Giacometti, A. Campagnolo, L. MacDonald, S. Mahony, M. Terras, S. Robson, T. Weyrich, and A. Gibson, “Cultural heritage destruction: Documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging,” in Proc. of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012), Jul. 2012, pp. 301–308.

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